It’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. We’ve been celebrating our team all week, but we can’t thank them enough! We hope this poem captures the spirit of their hard work and dedication! Thank you for all that you do!

It’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. We’ve been celebrating our team all week, but we can’t thank them enough! We hope this poem captures the spirit of their hard work and dedication! Thank you for all that you do!
Featuring a sturdy design with protective inside coating, for leak resistance, Companions Eco-Boxes are environmentally friendly, 100% bio-degradable, coated paperboard containers that are perfect for packaging and taking food on-the-go.
The foodservice pivot from dine-in to takeout and delivery over the past year created unforeseen realities that will change the industry long into the future—for the better.
The foodservice industry is in a state of rapid flux. Beginning in 2015, Americans began spending more money at restaurants than they did in grocery stores. Then the pandemic hit and the way those dollars were being spent changed. Now, for many operators, takeout and delivery stand to become even more important. Other trends that will likely accelerate include mobile ordering, mobile pay, and third-party delivery.
In this episode of the Dennis Knows Food podcast we’re talking about delivery – getting food from point a to point b, from your kitchen to your customers.
Give your delivery customers peace of mind with labels that have special cuts that will break if tampered.
Whether it be the weekly date night, family movie night, birthdays or anniversaries; your restaurant has the ability to create packages geared towards maintaining a feeling of normalcy.
Offering comfort foods to your customer base is a great way to spread warmth and joy.
This week, September 9-15, 2018 the nation takes time to recognize and thank the men and women who conquer our roads every day, rain or shine. If it wasn’t for their hard work in all manner of weather and conditions, our businesses simply wouldn’t run the same. At Dennis alone, our drivers are on the road 6 days a week; up before dawn transporting food to New England’s favorite places to dine! Our fleet travels over 1 million miles per year delivering millions of cases. “Thank You!” We couldn’t do what we do without our amazing team of drivers!