Generously brushed with a luscious blueberry-maple glaze, this ham is bursting with flavors, the glaze; is made with sautéed garlic, ginger, and a harmonious blend of blueberries, maple syrup, balsamic vinegar, and lemon juice.

Generously brushed with a luscious blueberry-maple glaze, this ham is bursting with flavors, the glaze; is made with sautéed garlic, ginger, and a harmonious blend of blueberries, maple syrup, balsamic vinegar, and lemon juice.
The Wyman’s mission is simple: They want to help the world eat more fruit. To do that, they impeccably maintain barrens of antioxidant-rich wild blueberries, and source from some of the best fruit farmers on the planet, revolutionizing how it’s all grown, harvested and fresh frozen.
Restaurant Business Online just published an article that discusses what restaurants can expect to see as influences in 2018. We’re going to discuss some of the insights they’ve shared, and we’ve provided a link to the full article. We’re also taking a look at a couple items making headlines recently, wild Maine blueberries and everyone’s favorite caffeinated beverage – coffee! We’ve got those topics and a slew of recent inventory additions to share with you in this week’s podcast!