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Top Restaurant Industry Trends to Watch in 2018

Despite industry wide growth for several years, restaurant operators face significant challenges keeping pace in an environment that is changing at a much faster rate than ever before. Evolving consumer tastes and preferences, work force constraints and intense competition will continue in 2018…

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Episode 41 – BBQ Season & Google My Business

In this episode there’s info about our inventory additions for the week, Google advice to grow your business, and we’ve got BBQ on the brain! Joining us for our discussion on how you can use Google to help grow traffic to your restaurant we’ve got a special guest, foodservice operator and social media guru, Katrina Petersen. National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day was April 20th. For this week’s foodie fact, we’re asking – When was Pineapple Upside-Down cake first popularized in American culture? The answer at the end of the podcast…

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Episode 40 – Tips for Outdoor Dining Spaces

Get your outdoor dining space ready for hungry patrons looking to take advantage of al fresco dining opportunities. In this week’s episode we’ve got tips to help keep your outdoor dining space pest free, an update on our 2018 food show, this week’s new products and foodie headlines.

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Episode 39 – A Simple Equation to Maximize Success

In this week’s episode we’re talking about the “who, what, why and how” important to success. Plus, we’ve got this week’s new products and there’s lobster news in the literary world. What is the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy? Bonus points for how many of them are sold during the Easter season. The answer in this week’s episode!

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Episode 36 – New Products, C-Store News & Wisdom from a Toilet Paper Salesman

In this week’s episode we’ve 13 new products, a report about c-store predictions for the future and sound advice from a toilet paper salesman. We’ve also got a decades old international Foodie Fact to stump you with, and our new Dessert of the month page is mentioned. Featuring seasonally inspired items in limited quantities.

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Episode 35 – Happy Thanksgiving!

This week we’re going unscripted with a reminder about new products, our foodie fact for the week and new developments in “local” social media exposure from Facebook. And a special guest with extensive small business, foodservice experience, joins the podcast to talk about tactics for driving sales during Thanksgiving and the holiday season.

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Episode 34 – Brainy Blueberries, Independent Coffee & 2018 Restaurant Trends

Restaurant Business Online just published an article that discusses what restaurants can expect to see as influences in 2018. We’re going to discuss some of the insights they’ve shared, and we’ve provided a link to the full article. We’re also taking a look at a couple items making headlines recently, wild Maine blueberries and everyone’s favorite caffeinated beverage – coffee! We’ve got those topics and a slew of recent inventory additions to share with you in this week’s podcast!

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7 Tactics for Restaurant Holiday Marketing

With all the stress that comes during the holidays, customers will be looking for a place to get a great meal that they won’t have to cook for themselves. Here are 7 tactics to try when marketing for your business this holiday season.

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Episode 33 – Inside the Mind of the Independent Restaurant Operator

This weeks the IFDA released an in-depth 194 page report, prepared by industry research partner Technomic, about independent restaurant operators. It details market trends, challenges, economic outlooks, changing formats and a whole lot more. We’re sharing just a few of the many insights from it in this episode. We’ve also got this week’s new products, including a new fresh soup from Blount Fine Foods, which you won’t want to miss!

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Episode 32 – C-Store Foodservice, Food News and New Products!

When it comes to food from “c-stores” – even with convenience foodservice sales exceeding $34 billion dollars a year – negative consumer perceptions still exist around the category. Recent research has shown that there is plenty of room for continued innovation when it comes to foodservice in c-stores, and that putting quality first in certain areas can have a positive impact on food sales.

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Episode 31 – Fall Kitchen Prep and a Wrap Rap

Foodservice operators take tremendous pride in their kitchens and equipment. Now that we’re through the hectic pace of the summer season now is a good time to clean equipment and ensure everything is in proper working order. And, if you’re looking for some fall-food inspiration we’ve assembled a list on our website featuring some of our favorite fall items. There’s even a section dedicated to all things pumpkin, with over a dozen different pumpkin related products.

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Easy Ways to Boost Customer Traffic

While good food, attentive service, value and convenience will always be important today’s consumer is looking for more than just quality food and service…

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Simple Tips for a DIY Photoshoot

When potential customers see your food online, on a sign or in a menu the quality of the photography makes a huge difference in whether or not they choose your establishment.

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Domino’s Pizza Turnaround Case Study

Domino’s Pizza has managed to pull off a huge turnaround; in part by listening and responding to their customers in a uniquely-honest PR advertising blitz. Now they are opening hundreds of new locations and profits are soaring…

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Episode 19 – New Products, Glaze can Amaze, Tomato Butter, Claim your Business, and Beefy Opportunities!

In this week’s episode we revisit the conversation on dressing-up your dishes for extra appeal. Riding that good-flavors vibe we’ve got a recipe for Tomato Butter to share with you. We cover an important business-capturing strategy that you should be doing online. And we’ve got some fantastic beef purchasing opportunities coming that you’re definitely going to want to take advantage of while you can.

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Maintain a Clean and Sanitary Restaurant Kitchen

To reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses, maintaining a clean and sanitary restaurant kitchen is imperative. Cleaning removes food and other dirt from surfaces, which can help sanitizers work more effectively.