Congratulations to Mario Tribuzio, 2020’s Dennis Difference Award winner! Mario works diligently with passion and empathy to set his customers and coworkers up for success. Mario truly embodies the ideals of the Dennis Difference.

Congratulations to Mario Tribuzio, 2020’s Dennis Difference Award winner! Mario works diligently with passion and empathy to set his customers and coworkers up for success. Mario truly embodies the ideals of the Dennis Difference.
Throughout our safety program’s 8 year history, there have been many nominees and many outstanding candidates who make safety a part of their workday, everyday. We are proud and pleased to honor this year’s recipient…
Congratulations to Steve Ropiak, this year’s Dennis Difference Award winner! At work and in his community, Steve always goes the extra mile and epitomizes the true spirit of what the Dennis Difference Award is all about…
Throughout our safety program’s almost 7 year history, there have been many nominees and many of those have even received multiple nominations. Such is the case for this year’s Safety Person of the Year winner.
One of the best things I get to do as the Safety Guy at Dennis Paper & Food Service is recognize exceptional employees who work hard and do it safely. I’m proud to say that a culture of safety exists among our team, something that shows with our safety record and the fact that (as of today) we are 1035 days without a lost-time accident or injury. Employees who show up every day and do their job well, and do it safely, help make my job a lot easier…
“From the finest meats and cheeses, to compostable cups, to fried clams, Dennis Paper & Food Service plays a key role in the restaurant biz. Employee owned since 2015, the Hampden-based food service company has its heart in the right place.”
This past Friday (1-27-17) over eleven hundred people from twenty one surrounding communities eagerly joined together to honor area businesses and individuals at the the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine, for the 2017 BRCC Awards Dinner. As part of the award presentation, the fine folks at Rudman Winchell, Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce and […]