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Delivering Normality in Foodservice

Whether it be the weekly date night, family movie night, birthdays or anniversaries; your restaurant has the ability to create packages geared towards maintaining a feeling of normalcy.

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Video Chat Takeout Ordering for Restaurants

This is proof of concept, a theoretical solution using freely available technology that addresses the question “How can I, as a restaurant, video chat with my customers to take their order?”

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5 Ways to Enhance Your Customer’s Takeout Dining Experience

A growing number of today’s restaurant patrons would rather order delivery or takeout than dine in. In fact, the booming market for food that leaves an operator’s walls will surpass $300 billion in sales by 2023. Nevertheless, on-demand foodservice has its challenges…

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Episode 34 – Brainy Blueberries, Independent Coffee & 2018 Restaurant Trends

Restaurant Business Online just published an article that discusses what restaurants can expect to see as influences in 2018. We’re going to discuss some of the insights they’ve shared, and we’ve provided a link to the full article. We’re also taking a look at a couple items making headlines recently, wild Maine blueberries and everyone’s favorite caffeinated beverage – coffee! We’ve got those topics and a slew of recent inventory additions to share with you in this week’s podcast!

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Episode 24 – Consumer Impact on Menu Development, Flat Iron Steaks and New Products

In this weeks podcast we’re focusing on growing your takeout business. I met an individual earlier in the week who shared with me some tips he’d written for restaurants looking to “ramp up” their takeout business, those tips are at the heart of this week’s episode. Hungry? How about digging into the world’s largest Creme Brûlée? This week’s foodie fact – What was the estimated calorie count for the world’s largest Creme Brûlée?

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Episode 23 – New Products, Creme Brûlée and Tactics for Takeout

In this weeks podcast we’re focusing on growing your takeout business. I met an individual earlier in the week who shared with me some tips he’d written for restaurants looking to “ramp up” their takeout business, those tips are at the heart of this week’s episode. Hungry? How about digging into the world’s largest Creme Brûlée? This week’s foodie fact – What was the estimated calorie count for the world’s largest Creme Brûlée?

take out packaging

7 Tactics for Takeout Sales Growth

Developing a strong takeout program – from products, to packaging to employee training is an effective way to generate additional profit. Here are 7 surefire ways to boost your sales and profits by increasing focus on your takeout business.